Pueblo Perrito

A compassionate transportation service dedicated to the well-being of cats and dogs.

Pueblo Perrito ensures that your beloved animals can access veterinary clinics with ease, removing obstacles that might otherwise hinder their health. Moreover, the cost for veterinary consultations in Mexico is significantly cheaper than in the U.S., and Pueblo Perrito plays a vital role in helping transport pets so they can receive top-notch care for less. With a team of dedicated caregivers and drivers, this service guarantees safe and comfortable journeys for our furry friends, allowing them to receive the medical attention they deserve. At Pokie and Friends Rescue, our commitment to the welfare of animals knows no bounds, and Pueblo Perrito is yet another step towards a brighter future for all the precious pets we cherish.

Introducing "Pueblo Perrito," Pokie and Friends Rescue's compassionate transportation service for cats and dogs. Operating between Mexico and California, it ensures affordable access to veterinary care across the border, where consultations are considerably cheaper. This vital service provides safe and comfortable journeys for pets, ensuring they receive the medical attention they need to thrive. Together, we're committed to creating a brighter future for our beloved furry friends.